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Coaching and mentoring do make the difference

Simon Rickman

In today's People Management magazine there is an excellent article about the importance of mentoring. It could equally be applied to the art of coaching. I quote....

"Being able to learn from the wisdom of more experienced peers....and apply that wisdom an opportunity few of us would turn down....The benefits....include personal development, particularly around soft skills; a wider network; greater confidence; satisfaction from ‘giving something back’...."

In today's unpredictable world, more than ever, coaches and mentors have an invaluable place in the kitbag of any person who wants to be successful in their career. To me, it's the ultimate example of a 'win-win'.

So, here are my 'Super 7s' to appreciate how your coach and mentor can help you get the best performance out of

1. Generating a more positive, engaging and forward-thinking attitude

2. Driving change to generate measurable outcomes and results

3. Retaining your self-belief when those around you are losing their heads

4. Building a leadership culture based on positive habits

5. Giving you access to tools and techniques to perform, develop and grow

6. Committing you to ‘first things first’

7. Sharing effective solutions openly

Every little helps.....

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