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Webinars that are relevant for these times

How confident are you to get the best out of your people and take your business forward?  Would you like to emerge from this pandemic STRONGER, WISER AND MORE CAPABLE?


We have learned a lot about ourselves and each other as we have had to come to terms with our new ‘normality’.  Throughout the pandemic, experts in psychology and people management have been tracking our behaviour.  So, there is now extensive research available to help us to survive and thrive in whatever situation you now find yourself in. 


I use this research to deliver three key messages that are affecting businesses right now.  Click on the LINKS below for access to a ‘taster’ video to find out how I can help you and your business to be STRONGER, WISER AND MORE CAPABLE:



This is for anyone experiencing any form of stress while they’ve been on furlough, returning to the office, or continuing to work from home.  The focus is on building resilience, which is scientifically proven to make us stronger, wiser and more capable to handle challenging situations.



There is no doubt that this working environment is here to stay for the foreseeable future.  In this webinar, you find out how to get the most out of your team and yourself, whilst working in a home-working environment.



One unfortunate outcome of this pandemic is going to see a rise in redundancies.  Those impacted may need support in navigating the job search process.  Let me share with you my 37 years of recruitment experience to help keep one step ahead of the competition.

These webinars have already helped my clients move forward more positively, efficiently and effectively.  Multiple messages are shared either through live webinars or available on three one-hour user-friendly videos.  To really take advantage of this learning, my clients have followed-up each webinar with a series of confidential 1-2-1 coaching sessions.  


To design each webinar, I have blended each topic with ’The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen Covey.  The 7 Habits act as an excellent framework to:​

Habit 1


  • Be Proactive: creating a positive response to our situation, and how to live in our ‘circle of influence’ with can-do attitude


Habit 2


  • Begin with the End in Mind: how to cope and adapt with sudden change, and how to focus on our ‘values’ in order to realign our expectations


Habit 3


  • Put First Things First: the importance of building relationships with others, and how to prioritise our tasks in a potentially conflicting environment (work and home)


Habit 4


  • Think Win-Win: the value of working collaboratively with others, and how to create and sustain a ‘trusting’ team

Habit 5


  • Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood: recognising the importance of communicating and listening in a ‘virtual’ world


Habit 6


  • Synergise: how to keep ‘the team’ together, as they adapt to a new environment


Habit 7


  • Sharpen the Saw: learning to manage stress and build resilience, so that we can come out of this situation stronger and better prepared for the future

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